Due Diligence Training – Online

Course Duration 1 hour Course Summary As an employer or representative of the employer (manager, supervisor), failure to prove that you have taken every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for the protection of the worker can leave you open to…

Confined Space Awareness Training – Online

Course Summary Confined space work involves some of the most critical hazards in workplaces today. Failure to identify spaces as confined, failure to properly assess the hazards in these spaces, and failure to create a space-specific plan prior to entry…

Office Ergonomics Training – Online

Course Summary Currently, Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) and poor ergonomic positioning represent approximately half of the causes of lost-time injury claims in Ontario. Training workers and supervisors, to recognize and assess ergonomic hazards will result in a greater opportunity to prevent…

Accident/Incident Investigation Training – Online

Course Summary An incident can be defined as a sudden, unplanned event that causes or could have caused harm to a person, the environment, or property. Incidents and accidents can happen in any workplace, at anytime. Failure to properly investigate…