Movember in Your Office

What is Movember?

The end of November marks the end of a well-known campaign promoting men’s health: Movember. If you’ve been wondering why you’ve been seeing more men sporting moustaches than usual (also effectively known as a ‘mo), it may be due in part to the arrival of Movember!

In 2003, two gents in an Australian pub were commenting that the moustache seems to have faded from vogue, and that they’d like to bring it back. Together with 30 friends, Movember was born. Upon realizing how many conversations the ‘mo started, the self-proclaimed “Mo-Bros” decided to use their voices and the platform the ‘mo provided to spread the word about men’s health. Since then, Movember has become a leading charity that is world-wide, raising money to help eradicate prostate and testicular cancers, as well as bring awareness to men’s mental health issues.

How to Raise Awareness

What did your office look like this Movember? Were there moustaches growing wild across your company, or is this a new cause to you? To learn more about Movember, visit them at Read all about how Movember started, the causes it supports, and see some pictures of some impressive ‘mos! You can also find out how to start a Movember campaign next year, and get your workplace involved. Don’t worry about excluding female staff – Movember welcomes and encourages honorary ‘mo sisters too!

Movember and OSG

OSG’s vision is that we are dedicated to preventing injuries and illnesses in the workplace. Our ultimate goal is to ensure that working men and women return home safe at the end of each day. However, men are 94% more likely to not return home due to a workplace fatality than their female counter-parts. So, like Movember, whose primary aim is to reduce the number of male deaths due to male cancers and mental health issues, OSG aims to prevent workplace fatalities, which historically affect 9 times more men than women.


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