Online Health & Safety Management System

Keep your workers well with self-paced and on-demand learning programs. Train your entire organization easily, from anywhere, with 100+ courses available. Customize the content to fit your specific policies and programs, track progress and generate certificates.


What's Included

Course Library

100+ Workplace and Health & Safety Courses

  • Courses created by Health & Safety Professionals to meet Federal, Provincial or Territory standards
  • Courses can be taken on desktop/laptop, smartphones, iPads & tablets
  • Quizzes are provided between modules, followed by a final exam in every course

How can a course library help me? 

Every employer in Canada, employing more than 5 employees, is required to have a health and safety program in place. To effectively train and develop your staff, it is important to provide them with just-in-time training on your company's culture, processes, procedures, and the different hazards present in the workplace. You can choose from over 100 workplace safety courses to train your employees right away!

Course Builder

Have custom training needs? Don’t re-invent the wheel!

Use courses built to meet legislation and add your own company-specific content

  • Create custom courses for anything and everything
  • Use our courses as a template or upload your PowerPoint
  • Import your own videos to show custom scenarios
  • Measure knowledge transfer with the Quiz Builder
  • Determine minimum test scores to pass, and easily create and manage your own expiry dates
  • Generate course completion certificates for individuals

How can a course builder help me?

Creating tailored content for training can be costlylabour intensive and put your company’s growth at risk. Now you can create custom courses to train your employees relative to their work environment or role in just a few clicks through our powerful and easy to use Course Builder!


Get a Snapshot of Your Training & Reporting Progress

  • Pre-set alertsProgress tracking, and visual reporting lets you know who has been trained, who needs training, and helps identify training gaps
  • See trainee scores, certificate expires or print certificates, laid out in a simple format
  • Track multiple locations and get snapshot of how your departments of focus or overall company training initiatives are doing
  • All training data is kept in our database to reduce admin work for you. However, feel free to print and keep physical copies if you wish
  • Import external training records to capture and track all training

How can Reporting help me?

Reporting tool provides a robust reporting mechanism to track who is trained and who needs training in the organization. This helps employers prove due diligencestay organized, demonstrate compliance, and ensure nothing slips through the cracks!


Generate and Validate Inspection and Evaluation Forms

Get a Snapshot of Your Training & Reporting Progress

  • Use Forms tool for forms like incident investigation, inspection checklists, and practical evaluations
  • View metrics for all forms that have been filled out, or drill down into individual reports
  • Keep track of who has submitted a Checklist or a particular form
  • All in all, access clickable, routable and trackable real-time data for everything

How can Forms help?

Create awareness about occupational hazards, risks and responsibilities with Checklists & Forms area. Identify risk factors, analyze and evaluate the nature of the risk associated with hazards, and eliminate or substitute the hazards from the workplace.


100+ Policy and Form Templates

Ensure Policies and Procedures are Shared and Understood

  • House, organize and share any information
  • Access readily available 100+ Safety and HR policies, forms, and checklists
  • Provide organization-wide consistency of forms
  • Read Receipts alerts when staff have read new policies and procedures
  • Access to a complete template of a Health and Safety Management System
  • You have unlimited storage!

How can Snippets help me?

Snippets enable you to implement job specific policies and procedures which build a culture of accountability in your organization and ensures due diligence for yourself and your employer.


The online membership includes unlimited access to our online learning management system. Customize your online training program with our innovative tools and features, with access to new courses released monthly. Online training is portable and accessible, allowing your staff to train whenever and wherever they are, even on their tablet or mobile devices. No need to worry about downloading any new software either; simply sign in and begin learning!

Online Courses



Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities (AODA)
Aerial Lift
Arc Flash Hazard Awareness
Asbestos Awareness


Bear Awareness
Behaviour Based Safety
Bloodborne Pathogens
Box Cutter and Utility Knife Safety
British Columbia Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee Training (JHSC)* (not included in membership)
British Columbia Health and Safety Representative Training* (not included in membership)


Canada Labour Code
Cannabis in the Workplace
Chainsaw Safety
Chemical Spills Response
Confined Space Awareness
Conflict Resolution
COVID-19 Training for Supervisors
Customer Service Excellence


Effective Workplace Communication
Electrical Safety Awareness


Fire Extinguisher Safety
Fire Safety
Food Safety


GHS Awareness
Ground Disturbance


Hand Tool Safety
Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) Awareness


Incident Investigation


Joint Health & Safety Committee Certification (Ontario)* (not included in membership)


Ladder Safety
Lifting Loads Safely
Lift Truck Safety
Lone Worker Safety


Manager & Supervisor Due Diligence
Manual Material Handling
Mould Prevention and Remediation


New Employee Safety Orientation


Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems
Office Ergonomics


Personal Protective Equipment
Propane Safety Program


Respirable Dust Awareness
Respirator Protection


Scaffold Safety
Slips, Trips, and Falls
Struck By Hazards
Supervisor H&S Awareness


Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG)


WHMIS 2015
WHMIS 2015 for Healthcare
Worker H&S Awareness
Working at Temperatures
Working Safely with Overhead Cranes
Working Safely with Silica
Workplace Inspections
Workplace Mental Health Awareness
Workplace Violence & Harassment
Workplace Violence & Harassment in Healthcare