
Creating an Effective Agenda for JHSC Meetings

Creating an Effective Agenda for JHSC Meetings

The Ontario Health and Safety Act & Regulations don’t set out specifics when it comes to how JHSC meeting agendas need to be carried out. However, the creation of an agenda and the commitment to following it are the best way to ensure that JHSC meetings stay on track and are efficient.

What is a meeting agenda?

A meeting agenda is a document that states the time, date, expected attendees, and location of a meeting. It lists topics for discussion and denotes who is going to present or lead the discussion on each topic. It may also include time limits for each topic. The list of topics can double as a checklist, ensuring that all important and requested issues get addressed.

Agendas distributed in a timely manner prior to meetings give attendees time to prepare. They are aware of what is discussed and can bring questions or notes along. More importantly, it gives the meeting focus. Topics not listed are not up for discussion, and topics listed that digress can be brought back to the main point easily by reminding attendees to refer to their agendas. This keeps meetings from going off course and taking longer than required. 

How do I create my JHSC agenda?

A JHSC agenda will state the time, date, location, and attendees. It may also list the co-chairs, and which co-chair is leading the meeting. A JHSC meeting agenda may differ from a regular agenda because it may have a list of fixed topics. At every meeting, the JHSC should discuss:

  • A review of last meeting’s minutes
  • Unfinished business
  • Review of workplace inspection results
  • First-aid review
  • Accident and incident review
  • Implementation review

Including these fixed items is important, as these topics will be discussed monthly. You will also have new topics from month to month. Ensure that all staff know whom to send requests for the next JHSC meeting agenda. This way, everyone’s voice has a chance to be heard. Remind staff that, if it is not on the agenda, it will not be discussed. Be careful of adding too many topics as well. The best meetings end on time. When meetings go over, people tend to get uneasy. Avoid this by scheduling a bit of extra time. If you end a bit early, people will be pleased.

Once you have the agenda completed, take the time to ensure that it is sent out in a timely manner.

Do you need help creating an effective JHSC meeting agenda?

OSG is here to help! Click here to download a  free JHSC meeting agenda template. It includes all of the fixed agenda items above, and has space for you to add in your own list of agenda items. If you prefer the Word document, please contact us at 800-815-9980.

Do you have questions about forming a JHSC or the legislative requirements for JHSC in Ontario?

The JHSC in your workplace serves to keep your workplace safe and healthy. The are so many benefits of a well-organized, efficient, and engaged JHSC. They span from everything to less lost time claims to better productivity from happier employees.

If you are unsure how to get a JHSC started, how to certify your current members, or what the best composition for your company might look like, OSG can help. We have been successfully training JHSC members for over 20 years, and we are the largest provider of private JHSC committee certification training in Ontario. When it comes to JHSC – we know our stuff! Call 800-815-9980 to speak to one of our health and safety experts or view our JHSC part 1 or 2 training below.

Written by Jennifer Miller | Curriculum Development Coordinator