
Combustible Dust Awareness Training Online

Combustible Dust Awareness Training Online

Course Duration
45 Minutes

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Course Summary

Dust is everywhere. It may look harmless, but given the right conditions dust can catch fire and explode, causing deaths and serious injuries. In many combustible dust explosions, employees and employers did not even know an explosion hazard existed.

Combustible Dust Awareness covers a basic overview of the dust combustion and addresses combustible dust explosions, how to recognize combustible dust hazards, and how to mitigate those hazards in order to prevent serious injury and death.

Course Outline

Overview of Combustible Dust
  • What is combustible dust?
  • Types of combustible dust
  • Combustible dust hazards
  • Examples of combustible dust incidents
  • Applicable regulations
Combustible Dust Explosions
  • Explosion pentagon
  • Dust explosion process
  • Primary explosions
  • Secondary explosions
  • Workplaces at risk
Recognizing Combustible Dust Hazards
  • Processes that create dust
  • Where to look for combustible dust
  • Hidden areas
  • Safety data sheets
Mitigation of Combustible Dust Hazards
  • Elimination and substitution
  • Engineering controls
  • Administrative controls

Who Needs Combustible Dust Awareness Training?

Employees who may work in industries or areas where combustible dust hazards may be present and their supervisors.

Continuing Education Credits

Continuing Education CreditsHRPA has approved this course for CPD. Please contact us at 800.815.9980 to find out more.