
Webinar: Job Hazard Analysis – How to Conduct an Analysis?

Webinar: Job Hazard Analysis – How to Conduct an Analysis?

Webinar Date & Time

Wednesday, Sept 9 from 1 – 2 pm (EST)



Before you can develop standardized work or safe operating procedures, you must first asses the job for potential risks and dangers.  Job Hazard Analysis has been used for years in every sector as a precautionary tool to develop consistency and quality.  JHAs are also great tools for use in future training sessions.

Join us September 9, 2015 to discuss the benefits of conducting a job hazard analysis.  We will use interactive discussion build a good foundation for developing your own comprehensive risk assessment program.  Upon completion of the webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Interpret the RACE methodology
  • Complete a sample JHA

With any OSG Webinar you can expect to interact with a safety professional, and receive a few freebies!  This webinar will provide you with access to the following:

  • Blank JHA form and instructions
  • Hazard classification list
  • Contributing factors list
  • Sample completed JHA

Speaker: Trish Kriz, CRSP

Trish Kriz, CRSP

Trish provides interactive, memorable training through a combination of comic relief, group interactivity and her ability to share sound health and safety fundamentals.

Trish has also been responsible for the development of both in-class and online training programs designed to incorporate adult learning principles and meet the specific needs of the client. Her most recent accomplishment is the successful acquisition of her CRSP designation.