
Webinar: Reducing Workplace Injuries and Illnesses – What Do I Need to Know?

Webinar: Reducing Workplace Injuries and Illnesses – What Do I Need to Know?

Webinar Date & Time

Wednesday, Nov 4 from 1 – 2 pm (EST)



Zero workplace injuries and illnesses is the goal, but is it achievable?  How is your company contributing to the overall staggering number of workplace injuries, and what can you do to reduce the numbers?  Maybe your numbers are low, but are they concentrated in a particular department or do they involve a certain task?

Join us November 4, 2015 to discuss the staggering provincial workplace statistics and assume responsibility to do your part in reducing the numbers through education and awareness.  Upon completing the webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Interpret statistics
  • Identify and compare trends
  • Formulate focus groups

With any OSG Webinar you can expect to interact with a safety professional, and recieve a few freebies!  This webinar will provide you with access to the following:

  • 2014 WSIB Statistical Report
  • Incident trend review form
  • MOL 2015-2016 sector plans

Speaker: Trish Kriz, CRSP

Trish Kriz, CRSP

Trish provides interactive, memorable training through a combination of comic relief, group interactivity and her ability to share sound health and safety fundamentals.

Trish has also been responsible for the development of both in-class and online training programs designed to incorporate adult learning principles and meet the specific needs of the client. Her most recent accomplishment is the successful acquisition of her CRSP designation.