Even More Questions to Test your JHSC Knowledge! Having a Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) is essential for maintaining workplace safety. While understanding the basics is important, there’s always more to learn about JHSC roles and responsibilities. To…
Category: Human Resources (page 2)
Working Alone: Employer Responsibilities
Employers are obligated to keep workers safe. According the Occupational Health and Safety Act s.25(2)(h) they must do this by taking reasonable precautions for safety. This means that employers who have workers that work alone must take special precautions to…
The 411 on Drug Testing at Work
In Canada, drug addiction is considered a disability under human rights legislation, such as the Ontario Human Rights Code. As such, persons who suffer from drug addictions are protected from discrimination on the job. Clear as mud, right? Not so…
Terms of Reference – a Guide for Effective Joint Health & Safety Committees (JHSC)
What is a Terms of Reference? A terms of reference is a written statement that describes the function of the joint health and safety committee (JHSC) and outlines the procedures that the JHSC will follow. Why does the JHSC need…
Onboarding and Offboarding Joint Health & Safety Committee (JHSC) Members
When Joint Health and Safety Committee members join the committee, it’s often with little fanfare. When members finish their tenure on the committee, they normally leave without fanfare as well. Sometimes, JHSC membership term lengths are defined in the “Terms…
Proper Follow-up Procedures for Joint Health & Safety Committee Workplace Inspections
Workplace inspections are one of the most important functions of the Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC). Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA), s.9(23), the JHSC must designate a non-management member to inspect the workplace. If possible, the…
Occupational Health and Safety Basics for Human Resources (HR) Professionals: Part 1
Many people associate Human Resources (HR) professionals with tasks such as hiring, conducting performance reviews, coaching, and the ever-dreaded task of terminating people. This is a very simplified list of tasks that may fall to a company’s HR professional. One…
Proper Reporting Procedures for Joint Health & Safety Committee Workplace Inspections
Workplace inspections are one of the most important functions of the Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC). Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA), s.9(23), the JHSC must designate a non-management member to inspect the workplace. If possible, the…
After a Workplace Accident Part 1: How to Support the JHSC
An effective Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) is the cornerstone of a successful health and safety program. Comprised of both managers and workers, the JHSC aims to improve health and safety in the workplace. Despite the JHSC’s commitment and…