
Safe Operation of a Telehandler Lift Truck Training

Safe Operation of a Telehandler Lift Truck Training

Course Duration
30 minutes


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Course Summary

Telehandlers are a Class VII (7) Rough Terrain Forklift, typically used in construction-type environments.

Our 1-day course is designed to provide participants with the ability to recognize hazards associated with the equipment. They will learn to follow safe operating procedures to protect themselves and others in the working environment.

In order to receive your certification, you need to complete the in-class course and a practical equipment evaluation.

Delivery Options


Our facilitator comes to your workpalce to train up to 30 participants.

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Experienced operators- become a certified workplace instructor. 

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Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify hazards specific to the equipment and environment
  • Discuss competency requirements and general responsibilities
  • Explain stability principles
  • Perform pre-operational checks
  • Follow safe operating procedures
  • Identify fuel source hazards

Our Safe Operation of a Telehandler program is designed in accordance with CSA B335-15 Safety Standard for Lift Trucks.

Target Audience

Telehandler operators, supervisors, JHSC members, and safety representatives.

Legislative References

  • Reg. for Construction Projects s.96
  • Reg. for Industrial Establishments s. 51. (2)

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