Arc Flash Awareness Training – On-site

Course Summary Working in and around electrical components, especially live, has the potential to cause harm if the appropriate measures have not been taken. An arc flash is a sudden release of electrical energy through the air when a high-voltage…

Advanced Industrial Ergonomics Training – On-site

Course Summary Currently, Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) and poor ergonomic positioning represent approximately half of the lost-time claims in Ontario. Training individuals to recognize and assess ergonomic hazards will result in a greater opportunity to prevent injuries and costs related to…

Train the Ergonomic Evaluator – On-site

Course Summary All effective Musculoskeletal Disorder Prevention Programs require reactive and proactive initiatives that include methods of: evaluating risks, implementing effective controls and solutions, educating the workforce, and measuring success of the program or program components. Our Train the “Ergonomic…