Asbestos Hazard Awareness Training – On-site

Course Summary Asbestos and asbestos-containing material (ACM) is a designated substance which poses long term health risks to workers when it is disturbed. Our course is designed for constructors, employers, supervisors, and workers involved in building maintenance, repair, or alteration.…

Accident/Incident Investigation Training – On-site

Course Summary An accident can be defined as a sudden, unplanned event that causes or could have caused harm to a person, environment, or property. Accidents can happen in any workplace, at anytime. Failure to properly investigate an accident and…

Worker Awareness Training – Train-the-Trainer

Course Summary Ontario employers have to ensure that all workers and supervisors have completed a basic occupational health and safety awareness training program. They have a responsibility to provide workers with the information and instruction required to perform their job safely.…

Transportation of Dangerous Goods Training – Train-the-Trainer

Course Summary Failure to understand the consequences of improper shipping and handling of dangerous goods can be costly, and impact business operations significantly. Our course is designed to teach participants how to facilitate their own TDG program specific to their…

Supervisor Competency Training – Train-the-Trainer

Course Summary Training supervisors to be accountable for, and effectively manage the health and safety of those under their supervision is key to creating a safe and healthy workplace. Our program is designed to provide workplace instructors with the necessary…

Safe Operation of Hoists Training – Train-the-Trainer

Course Summary This class will provide instructors with the knowledge and skill required to effectively deliver the content in the course. In order to receive a Certificate of Competence, a passing grade must be obtained on a written test in…